The helicopters have really cheap deserves a place in the imagination and recreation and more people away than before, especially the introduction of advanced technology and electric RC helicopter hobby, the height reached again! Back in the day, which was not many days ago, the choice was essentially limited to birds, and if you do not have money, skills or the stomach to resist all the smoke gas and oil and gas, is just pastLooking for something else to do. The idea of the mini-versions of real helicopter flight has always fascinated the imagination of many, but only those with deep pockets and strong stomachs come into force. Now, this is not the case!
Now, thanks to significant progress in batteries, motors and electronic components helicopters in recent years have won a place on its own power, and claimed a significant share of the market. Now you have a choice. Whatfor example, has held power in their RC helicopter gas, even at home? Now is not only possible but common! Some of the main advantages of electric RC helicopters not messy maintenance, smaller, more controllable flight, the learning curve shorter, less expensive (in general), no noise or any other type of pollution or stable in air, birds of numerous gas and will.
RC Helicopter
RC Helicopter
RC Helicopter
And the batteries for electric RC helicopterbetter and better. Most can now with lithium-polymer, which will remain in the air for as long as their gas counterparts. Easy to learn, electric RC helicopters use most only 2.3 or 4 channels that are easier to hang on to him a lot. Some have two counter rotating rotors, eliminating the need for tail rotor (and therefore a different channel!)
And another interesting thing is that they are of me and more advanced, with newer, more powerful and realisticHit the shelves of all time. And another great thing about electric RC helicopters, and much more on the Internet, now in most toy stores and not only in hardware stores, as most models of gasoline.
Electric RC helicopter landed and are here for long! Take a day for a ride!
Electric RC Helicopter - The future has begun
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