Monday, May 30, 2011

RC Helicopter Turbine - If you fly a helicopter?

If you saw someone in a park or open the operation of a turbine RC helicopter, you may be asked if the passion is something you want to try. Not everyone is cut out of RC helicopter pilot, not even those who actually fly helicopters. This can make fun hobby remote-controlled helicopter. There are a few tips to buy the first bombing of the money in a kit, or remember to buy a finished model.

Your first decision may be whetherbuild or buy the helicopter. If you are a hobby kit in the past have made ​​or are mechanical, building a kit can be a good choice for you. Really committed people could probably buy or parts of machines required and build from scratch. The most preferred source of a new or used helicopter with radio commands from a commercial.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

If you have experience with the operation of a remote controlled toy, can help you decide ifMoving to a RC helicopter. There are degrees of difficulty in the operation of remote control. The toys are the simplest and cheapest. Are you going to try to go on toys before you fork over the money to start a hobby class and more complicated.

Radio Controlled airplanes operating system are more complex than a car with the radio controls. With an airplane, you must think in three dimensions. Helicopters are more complicated. If you fly a rotorHelicopter, you have to think in three dimensions, but we must also take account of the tendency of the rotor.

Advance one more step is necessary to master the complexity of the tail rotor. It 'the same as in six dimensions. You run the front of the independent rotor and tail rotor. This is not a hobby for people who are called for with respect to the hand-eye coordination. You must remember that the RC turbine work faster than other types ofEngines.

Once you've learned all aspects of the coordination of the movement and managed to keep the helicopter in the air. There are at least two other factors that will cost RC should decide on a turbine engine for your boat. The first is in front. Turbine engines are much more expensive than gasoline or nitro.

If you choose to buy an engine turbine helicopter remote control, you must keep a sense of security measures.You need to understand the use of security parameters that helicopters are an integral part. Operate the device with the safety device in standby mode. The programming of the intrinsically safe stop of the engine. fire danger is higher with the RC unit turbine engine different from the use of gasoline or nitro.

If you are biased estimate of the ability to manage a complicated hobby RC Helicopter Turbine less to do with a stick. The turbines areoften larger and heavier. The cost is much higher, and are much more difficult to steal.

RC Helicopter Turbine - If you fly a helicopter?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Radio Controlled Helicopter Electric RC vs. Nitro Helis

remote controlled helicopters are fast becoming one of the most popular hobby. hobby.You helicopters have become an adult entertainment quickly detect that it was quite deep and complex. There is much diversity of the helicopter. A first decision is whether to buy electric or nitro powered RC helicopter. Both have great features, and ultimately all a matter of taste,How long does it play and leisure activities than they would have spent on your new RC hobby. Electric Radio Controlled helicopters are a great alternative for the beginner RC helicopter pilot. These helicopters are cheaper and require less maintenance than nitro RC helicopters. A Another advantage of electric remote control helicopter is that they are very much quieter (noise so) that fly the helicopter nitro. Today it is quiteimportant when the neighbors that you practice your hobby in RC without feet. Therefore, radio controlled electric helicopters are a great way to start the hobby of RC.

Advantages of remote-controlled electric helicopter:

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

More running and your neighbors quiet Easy to fly Do not care Faster startup No need for expensive fuel No problem with the fuel. Lower startup costs In most cases, the strongestWhirlybird a Nitro RC

Disadvantages of E-Heli radio

Shorter flight times Break in case of failure can be replaced very expensive Need to recharge the battery with suspended particles

Radio Controlled Helicopter Electric RC vs. Nitro Helis

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why Scale RC turbine helicopter?

RC helicopters come in different shapes and sizes and can be classified in many ways, both in quality and performance.

The most common form of an RC helicopter is a toy version of this based on toys can be stored in the file. It can be used almost all are relatively cheap compared to the hobby quality RC helicopters. She is not the same class as a hobby, but are fun and a great way to introduce a childPastime. Coaxial Micro RC helicopters are sometimes classified toy helicopter, but much more sophisticated and are still small. They are a great way for fans to learn to fly RC helicopters because of their low cost and small size are still adored by nature.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

Big Electric RC helicopters are becoming increasingly popular in recent years due to recent developments in batteries and battery capacity. Batteries more nowin the past that the use of a battery with electrical charge makes it more realistic and easier. E 'can now fly for more than a helicopter over the batteries and are now actually easier. Since the new batteries deliver more power than in the past, you can maneuver for a good amateur, while quieter than before. Most RC helicopters sold in toy stores are electric, but is more common for a larger electric powered RC helicopters are alsobefore.

Nitro powered remote control helicopters are powered by nitro fuel. They are favored by amateurs because of their relatively low prices and incredible power. Nitro engine small, but capable of more complex aircraft. The engine Nitro RC helicopter used are usually referred to? Glow-engines? because they have a glow plug instead of a candle. They also use a fuel consisting of methanol, nitromethane and oil.

Amore the type of RC helicopter, RC helicopters is the power of gas at times. confused nitro powered helicopter, but it is similar in mechanics, but has a completely different engine. They use fuel from regular gasoline is mixed with two-cycle oils. The engines are relatively higher compared to the nitro engine and is also more expensive than so well.

Why Scale RC turbine helicopter?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

RC Copter History - Hobby Models are not toys for children

The helicopter has always had a certain aura, and the same for the RC helicopter. It 'was noticed helicopters, so that "do not steal that" beat the air into submission. "Novice pilots learn to handle helicopters always found very difficult to have a set of flight controls - stick, collective and rudder - are all very interactive, so that the change that we tend to a corresponding change required in another, and thenconstant juggling of controls must be in hand in the air to keep the car. RC pilots can attest, learning difficulties similar radio helicopters.

In this article we are talking about RC helicopters more, instead of the trade size toy or micro-old helicopter school, plastics are actually closer to a traditional model airplane, small, for the flight only indoor RC toy helicopter. How their real lifeColleagues, RC helicopters require a fine degree of control over conventional and it is his ability to younger drivers concerted effort and a lot of practice, the amount of learning to work with everyone.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

Electric helicopters are very common these days and offer some advantages over the old petrol models. Electrics are smaller and lighter, less complicated and less dangerous. Rc electric helicopter is ideal for beginners, with its secure designand relatively benign flight characteristics. Unlike gas-electric model helicopters are environmentally friendly, non-messy and require little maintenance.

Flying RC helicopter is a hobby supply, but difficult meeting. quality of recovery helicopter should be taken seriously and requires a real commitment of time and effort to control herself in her flight. Of course, helicopters, gas, electricity can also pose a risk to safety if out of control.Fly at a safe distance from spectators, and in open spaces, away from traffic and buildings, and only in favorable wind conditions. Follow the safety, practical skills of flight, well sure, and you will soon be surprised by the tricks radio controlled helicopter, you can do with this.

RC Copter History - Hobby Models are not toys for children

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Radio Controlled Helicopter - What is the best electric or nitro?

RC (Radio) Helicopters are always a favorite pastime for most of the "boys". To the "boys" of course, we adults. We all have Christmas when we all want that toy was and they were all guilty of buying things, so we were actually playing themselves. Now we finally have an excuse to buy more helicopters, RC need are the ideal toy for those of us not ashamed.

L 'RC helicopter made ​​adult is more than a hobby for them as toys. Once you start watching a hobby, you soon realize that it is very complex and very enjoyable. There are many types of helicopters in two different styles and types. One of the first decisions you need to do if you want to buy one or Nitro RC helicopters operated electric. Both have great features and at the end, it boils down to a questionpreferably allocate exactly how much time in this hobby, and how much you spend on your new hobby.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

Before going to make a purchase, you should really do this hobby for you. Ideally, you have a friend or relative you have, and examine you and inform you all. Otherwise you can make a visit to your local store that carries both types and do research. So naturally, when you decide what you wantYou should always start training with a flight simulator. Whichever way you go, will give you a general idea of ​​what this hobby is and what you're looking for. In most cases, you will find that by looking on the Internet or a hobby shop near you and prices on all the kit in a helicopter!

remote controlled electric helicopter is an excellent choice for the beginner RC helicopter pilots. As a general rule, you normally, Find that they are a bit 'less maintenance and less than their colleagues. It's much less an aspect of the interview with them, then, electric RC helicopter will take a little 'less time. Another feature of the electric RC Helicopter is that they run much quieter than nitro helicopter, but can be negative for some people. Total electric RC helicopters are a great way to start into the hobby.

Experts from theElectric RC Helicopter

start-up costs or cheaper
Or is there a lot of maintenance
No power faster
or do not need to buy expensive fuel for the engine
o A quieter operation
or easier to use
O is generally more powerful than a Nitro RC Helicopter

Cons of Electric RC

or flight time of short
O hangs can damage the battery, which can be very expensive to replace
O Must battery between flights

Nitro Radio Controlled Helicopter pilots tend to a popular choice for the RC helicopter had more. Once in the hobby, you'll understand why patterns Nitro can be absolutely enthralling. Nitro models are like flying the real thing. They work in a mixture of petroleum called Nitro, authentic sound that is actually created very interesting for many fans. It 's almost like flying a real> Helicopter!

Nitro helicopters also require some maintenance after their escape, you have the cleaning and maintenance of helicopter parts and engine parts, to avoid falling on future flights. While this may be as bad for the casual fan, this is part of the charm of people who like Nitro RC helicopters.

Now it is obvious that they run on nitro with no way to get around the cost of this. If you fly on a regular basisYou could realistically spend $ 1,500 per year for gasoline. Compare that to the cost of about $ 800 for a good piece of batteries for electric RC helicopters and you can see how some people that the helicopters RC find this a reason to stay away from nitro. For the purists, but this is justified by a cost-effective, have a more realistic flight experience.

The advantages of a helicopter, Nitro PC

Or flying experience more realistic
or shorterTime between flights
Less or damage usually occur in an accident
There is no longer flight time

Disadvantages of a helicopter, Nitro PC

Nitro O can be very expensive
O helicopters require more maintenance (fan knows that this is a call for Nitro helicopter)
O power over time, more
The most powerful or not as electric
or requires some 'knowledge of the flight (ie, combustion tuning up the engine, etc.)

The first time you see the advantages and disadvantages of eachType of RC helicopter, on the surface it may seem that a power would be much more attractive, but the more you are involved in this hobby, you will find many features that beginners can be considered disadvantages in fact benefit the veteran pilot.

An honest recommendation would be to start down a remote-controlled helicopter electric costs until you get to hang by the passion. As you become more involved, you find that youof course, purchase a wide range of helicopters flying over this extension, you can experiment with the helicopters and nitro have an idea of ​​what is necessary to have one of them.

You can find that, like many fans, the second was devoted to the maintenance of a real helicopter and the flight of the Nitro. As we said, if it is ultimately just a matter of attitude. Once they are involved in this hobby, is more likely tomany friends who are also involved in this hobby, and opportunities will quite expensive, and many electric helicopters nitro helicopter to give you a better idea of ​​what you like best.

Radio Controlled Helicopter - What is the best electric or nitro?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

RTF Electric RC Helicopter - true or not?

With all the popularity that electric RC helicopter skills benefited recently mainly because of the great progress in the control and electronics, it would be understandable to believe that the community is now asking that the producers claim that their RC helicopter RTF (Ready fly) and stay there . Actually, there are different degrees of RTF models with lower prices, even now, you pay for RC electric, you would think that would be a particular configuration, and is usually done. Let's call this the buyer be aware!

The first thing to mention is that really can say for RTF, you actually get your bird into the air, does not mean you keep it there! This is a learning process, and although these versions may be things in real terms, will always leave marks when they collide with you or someone in your environment. The fact is, you need to learn how to use the electric RCHelicopters ", and the best way to do it in a simulator. They are available but cost a bit 'better, but I know that the costs for modules have been added Crash and Burn!

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

It may be missing or need more stuff that is actually in the box. This is typically Controller for Battery Packs for RC. E 'must operate on batteries, and when they come with the kit, and will not last longsoon you will find air needs a charger for your RC Helicopter! (You should invest in batteries a bit 'better, too!) Some newer models now have a charger, a step in the right direction to come up with really!

You know that the rule in most of the loans really fly (RTF) models are available in two different channels, and most of them are quite small, which is good because they are easier to drive, and the beginning of CRLovers of the helicopter, it's a good thing, so learn helicopters, without the budget or the RC!

When it comes to RTF, you need to dig a little 'over and see what really ready to fly!

RTF Electric RC Helicopter - true or not?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

RC Simulators

As with the simulators of airplanes, helicopters RC Flight Simulator has a long way. weak graphics, they have programs that you dive in developed countries

The software is software remote control helicopter simulation very similar to aircraft and, in most cases, sold as one package. In other cases, the simulated helicopter sold as add programs for large software. The RC helicopter, like its real counterpartis a bit 'different flight and handling characteristics of an RC plane. If you plan to fly RC helicopter, it is important to ensure that the selection is designed not only for aircraft.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

The fundamental difference in helicopter flight and flight manual is the takeoff and landing. The helicopter did not need a runway, and its ability to move up and down and hover, which requires less space forThis volume is one of the things that have made ​​it increasingly popular in the hobby of RC helicopter.

With simulators for airplanes are also the best for helicopters. One example is the Great Planes RealFlight B3.5 mortgage. The top model of the software comes with a selection of aircraft types and helicopters. It also has a large number of models add up to "increase the number and diversity. Each add gives you something like fourteendifferent levels and four or five new models of helicopters to choose from.

Some RC simulators are available online for download. One of the pages of this type is the Clearview RC Flight Simulator. Even if you pay to download the software, is a very advanced simulator. It 'very interesting for fans of helicopters, because even if the program is for both airplanes and helicopters, he says, when his helicopter models as first they are particularly proud of their diversity. The Clearview RC Simulator is designed to manage a variety of. E 'can control the keyboard. For advanced users, a transmitter used with the PC with a USB cable.

The ability to simulate all the conditions and flight areas and control stations similar to a program now is the real benefit of the RC simulation programs. It 's a way to learn to control his> RC Model safely. This is the place to find out without risking your expensive models. are a number of risks involved in RC flight, but it can be done to significantly reduce the formation.

RC Simulators

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Helicopter Game

Have you tried the helicopter game lately?

If you are a new bit 'bored with the same old popular game usually held in places to play, so why not try the helicopter game? Search, then the game would be helicopter for you.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

So what is the helicopter game?

In the first place ... Do not expect great graphics that you will not see one. You will not see rockets and missiles shot or BlackhawkComanche, why are not you playing with these helicopters. I'm not the heavy artillery in the game. You have no mission to save people or terrorists in the remotest corners of the earth. And you do not even controls for missiles, launch and operation can not take care of you need it.

What you get is a simple 2-D graphical interface that guides you back two decades ago ... The photo? If not, try to imaginethe legendary Pacman. Yah, Yah ... not shown here, but the design is relatively the same (if not the same).

The helicopter game is a flash game with a simple mission: To find the elements for as many as you can as at the same time avoiding the walls, trying not to hit the tunnel of the lower and upper limits, or land art, you can fly a Helicopter cm 2 (what the spirit of a rotor blue, I wonder what his model), which rises and falls with a single click. However,Smoke on the tail of the helicopter is just an effect. You are not too enthusiastic.

How to play the helicopter game?

If you know how you click with your mouse, then surely knows how to play the helicopter. There are two ways to slide up or down. To reach the level, hold down the mouse button (do not hit the green wall). If you go, but not completely let go of the mouse button.They recovered the flight, if your "continue mousecapade. It 's simple and easy for your dog can play smart ... No, just kidding.

Helicopter game maybe 20 years behind the most technologically advanced games of today. What the hell? For a change, you can try to play, when to kill a few minutes only during breaks. No need to spend all day playing.

The Helicopter Game

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why Scale RC turbine helicopter?

RC helicopters come in different shapes and sizes and can be classified in many ways, both in quality and performance.

The most common form of an RC helicopter is a toy version of this based on toys can be stored in the file. It can be used almost all are relatively cheap compared to the hobby quality RC helicopters. She is not the same class as a hobby, but are fun and a great way to introduce a childPastime. Coaxial Micro RC helicopters are sometimes classified toy helicopter, but much more sophisticated and are still small. They are a great way for fans to learn to fly RC helicopters because of their low cost and small size are still adored by nature.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

Big Electric RC helicopters are becoming increasingly popular in recent years due to recent developments in batteries and battery capacity. Batteries more nowin the past that the use of a battery with electrical charge makes it more realistic and easier. E 'can now fly for more than a helicopter over the batteries and are now actually easier. Since the new batteries deliver more power than in the past, you can maneuver for a good amateur, while quieter than before. Most RC helicopters sold in toy stores are electric, but is more common for a larger electric powered RC helicopters are alsobefore.

Nitro powered remote control helicopters are powered by nitro fuel. They are favored by amateurs because of their relatively low prices and incredible power. Nitro engine small, but capable of more complex aircraft. The engine Nitro RC helicopter used are usually referred to? Glow-engines? because they have a glow plug instead of a candle. They also use a fuel consisting of methanol, nitromethane and oil.

Amore the type of RC helicopter, RC helicopters is the power of gas at times. confused nitro powered helicopter, but it is similar in mechanics, but has a completely different engine. They use fuel from regular gasoline is mixed with two-cycle oils. The engines are relatively higher compared to the nitro engine and is also more expensive than so well.

Why Scale RC turbine helicopter?

Monday, May 2, 2011

RC helicopter camera - small and looked into the performance

Further improvements in technology, the camera is the ultimate RC helicopter, the video was a flurry of Position 2 The new Mini RC Helicopter. Camera, camcorder last known to be one of the smallest and you just want to hide in a .

This camera is used is known Helicam for reasons other than safety, and is extremely easy to use. The shape of the device is like a ball and then can be anywhere, evenon the helmet or suit, and you can see from the images and videos can be taken into account. It 'also on the government aircraft and helicopters used for security reasons. Another important feature of this device is that if you have 2 GB of RAM, which can take up to 4 GB, you can at any time for a shot and a half hour. This device owner has a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 80 mm. It 's black with the shape of a sphere and the video resolution is 640 x 480 L'MP4 and receive images in JPG format. The resolution of these images is 1280 X 960 and are extremely easy to install.

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter

A great feature of this camera is RC helicopters, that measures to turn the goal of reaching 90 degrees, so do not miss a single bit. Again, you get a high quality microphone for excellent sound effects and a rechargeable battery. This rechargeable battery can work continuously up to 2.5 hours.Other features that come with the package of RC helicopter camera has a DV port, a power supply for recharging the battery, a CD, USB, mounting hardware and mounting bracket. This system is not expensive at all surprising. E 'is easily accessible, which also led to its popularity.

RC helicopter camera - small and looked into the performance